I feel pretty good today because while i pulled the roguelike game from the build (1.0b) that I will project, it is actually working great and looking good on the launcher now, which means it will be fine inside the space. I also made an electron version of the Tumblr bot I made a while back that posted pages from the Archon book with generated names, and that was really simple and I think will work well in the launcher. I am also getting permission to include some modern games by other artists that fit, since I am already including games from the past on vintage equipment.

What remains is getting the physical space in shape, which I haven’t started yet. There’s still some cleanup from the previous show going on there, and I haven’t quite advanced enough on things like the lamp, or finalized video goldmine the three channel video thing yet, so I don’t quite have to be in there for another couple of days. I am going to try to go hard after the 10th and get everything ready before I go on a trip to Canada to visit my father and his wife on the 20th, then come back a couple days before the opening.

The software stuff looks pretty good all in all! I felt like shit just… yesterday? but I am much more optimistic today.