play.p5 has both sprites and animations that can be added to sprites. The sprite is what can be scaled, not the animation. Was able to remove the confusing push/pop scaling and positioning by directly positioning the sprites. Using sprites also alleviates the need to slow the frameDelay.
Added tweenlite.js for juice
// var candle, incense;
var defaultItemHeight = 120;
var defaultItemWidth = 80;
// a room has
// a bool called isLit, a bool called isClean, a string called marker,
// a color called color,
// an array of items,
// this will eventually load items from the database but for now we add one item
// an array of characters
// an array of exits
let isLit;
let roomColor;
let items = [];
let characters = [];
let inscription;
let selectedItem = 0;
//it's advisable (but not necessary) to load the images in the preload function
//of your sketch otherwise they may appear with a little delay
function preload() {
//create an animation from a sequence of numbered images
candleLit_sprite_sheet = loadSpriteSheet('assets/animation/candleLit.png', 200, 267, 13);
candleUnlit_sprite_frame = loadAnimation('assets/animation/candleUnlit.png');
incenseLit_sprite_sheet = loadSpriteSheet('assets/animation/incenseLit.png', 200, 387, 11);
incenseUnlit_sprite_frame = loadAnimation('assets/animation/incenseUnlit.png');
EBGaramond = loadFont('assets/fonts/EBGaramond12-AllSC.otf');
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(1200, 710);
// check to see if the player is logged in, if not authenticate them, autofill guest credentials
// read the json for the current logged in player
// read the player json or whatever and get the player character and items and put them in player
// read the json or whatever from the room page
// put the list of items in the room's item array
roomColor = color('#ddaabb');
for (i = 0; i < 40; i++){
let candle = createSprite(-100,-100);
let candleLitAnim = loadAnimation(candleLit_sprite_sheet);
candle.addAnimation('normal', candleLitAnim);
let candleItem = new Item('Candle', candle);
let incense = createSprite(-100,-100);
let incenseLitAnim = loadAnimation(incenseLit_sprite_sheet);
incense.addAnimation('normal', incenseLitAnim);
let incenseItem = new Item('Incense', incense);
inscription = "Robert Taylor Biggs, 1921 - 1986";
console.log(`${roomColor},${inscription},${items[0].itemName} `)
class Item {
constructor(name, sprite, active) {
//an item has an itemType, and each itemType has a corresponding action
//an item has a string called itemName
// itemType would have an inherent action function, and may have multiple animations = "Candle";
this.sprite = sprite; = active;
function draw() {
text(inscription, width/2, 50);
//draw room frame, is this needed? maybe this is multiple projection mapped screens in a 'real' room
/* strokeWeight(5);
line(0, height, width, 0);
line(0, 0, width, height);
rect(width /2, height/2, width /1.5, height/1.5); */
// from json or whatever fill the attributes of room and then
// check to see if the room is lit, if not set background to black, hiding everything
// if the player moves a candle to room items set room to lit
// if room is lit, set background to room color
// iterating over columns and rows using the screen width, place each itemAnim
// from each item in the room's item array
// get character from player
// get inventory from character
// for each item in chracter.inventory place the first frame of each itemAnim in a row in
// whatever part of the screen represents the player inventory
//let itemCounter = 0;
let itemRowCounter = 1;
let itemColumnCounter = 1;
let duration = 1;
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
let thisItem = items[i];
let thisSprite = thisItem.sprite;
thisSprite.scale = .5;
if (itemColumnCounter * defaultItemWidth > width - defaultItemWidth){
itemRowCounter +=1 ;
itemColumnCounter = 1;
} else {
if (selectedItem === i) {, duration, {scale: .8});
} else {, duration, {scale: .5});
thisSprite.position.x = itemColumnCounter * defaultItemWidth;
thisSprite.position.y = itemRowCounter * defaultItemHeight;
itemColumnCounter +=1;
function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
if (selectedItem - 1 >= 0){
selectedItem -=1 ;
console.log('selected item ' + selectedItem);
} else {
selectedItem = 0;
} else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
if (selectedItem + 1 <= items.length){
selectedItem +=1 ;
console.log('selected item ' + selectedItem);
} else {
selectedItem = items.length;
} else if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW) {
if (selectedItem + 15 <= items.length){
selectedItem +=15 ;
console.log('selected item ' + selectedItem);
} else if (keyCode === UP_ARROW) {
if (selectedItem - 15 > 0){
selectedItem -=15 ;
console.log('selected item ' + selectedItem);
} else if (keyCode === RETURN) {
// how should I make an item active? (much larger, held up and movable)