I’ve been trying to extricate myself from Meta platforms. I took a day to try to turn some sloppy image galleries on this site into something a little more robust. What I’d like is to be able to throw images in a directory, and have Jekyll make autopages from them with masonry layouts and a separate rss feed for each collection.

Surprisingly I have it sort of working, even though Jekyll-paginate-v2 really does not seem to want to paginate static files, it wants collections or tagged posts or what have you. As a result I am seeing weird behavior that posts don’t seem to have. Not as many pages are generated as there should be and I have to tinker with my pagination nav to keep dead pagination links from bein added to the end. Anyway, here’s two collections that have dead pagination links after page 20:

I had been working on a game project with Danny Snelson at the end of last year that I haven’t been keeping public logs on, but I took January off while we look for some funding/resources. It involves some team sports AI of all things and so far it’s been a little bit over my punching weight as a C# programmer. I’m hoping to reorient myself and get back to it soon though.

Cleaned the studio space, looking to get some new materials for some tinkering soon. I’d like to try to make a chair this year.

If someone is reading this in the future wondering why I wasn’t talking about the collapse of everything, yes, everything is on fire right now, it’s been on fire for some time. This is my place to talk about wanting to make a chair.