Avant-Garden- Cool Unique Games
Nice itch collection of unusual games, including some stuff from Thecatamites, Sokpop, and other usual suspects.
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Nice itch collection of unusual games, including some stuff from Thecatamites, Sokpop, and other usual suspects.
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More ➜Doesn’t it feel like the web is getting worse every day? Do you miss the days when Google wasn’t a garbage factory, Twitter wasn’t a cesspool of Nazis, and you weren’t treated like a pair of eyeballs with a wallet? Don’t worry, the web of yore is still alive and kicking – in fact, it’s thriving. […] Link
More ➜“Dynamite Nashville”: FBI Role in Civil Rights-Era Bombings Revealed, Linked to Later Racist Attacks […] Link
More ➜Software is almost impossibly easy to download, distribute, and access compared to 40 years ago. Everything is bigger, faster, and more flexible, but there’s a certain charm to the ways of diskettes and cassettes that is hard to recapture. That doesn’t mean we can’t try. […] Link
From the first time I heard “Nardis,” the Miles Davis song made famous by pianist Bill Evans I fixated on it and the odd sound of the Phyrgian musical mode. There’s something about Nardis that is sort of maudlin and unfolding and I listen to it a lot when I’m trying to figure something out. This is a great piece of writing about the history of the song and about Evans.
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More ➜“Design education not only teaches its technical and historical canon, or how to design, but more importantly teaches students how to be designers in society and in relation to capital,” writes designer Jacob Lindgren. […] Link
click for a new word
The show I just wrapped was kind of conceptually overloaded, but it was useful as a kind of high-level survey of the stuff I’m wrangling right now, and the goal was to find new ways to connect the tile art I’ve been doing, which is of the Dungeon Mode, to dungeons-as-mines, which was an underdeveloped chunk of my thesis writing that just kept blowing up as I would find more and more readings and more weird kismets piled up in my life related to it.
More ➜Mineral wealth from the Americas underwrote and undergirded European colonization of the New World; American gold and silver enriched Spain, funded the slave trade, and spurred Spain’s northern European competitors to become Atlantic powers. […] Link
Last Saturday of the show was very nice, I had a lovely long walkthrough talk with Kristen Lucas and Joe McKay. I had a nice chat with an old friend about the Geomancy Sketch that pops up in my main piece for the show, which was something I was fiddling with while I was in a SFPC class. I also think my typical fretting during the installation and opening overshadowed the really nice interactions I was having in the space on the first two nights. I had a great long talk with my super talented studio neighbor Scott Gelber and I got to meet and talk to Lauren Gardner from Babycastles/SFPC.
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