
I never got to meet David Lynch, but he was such an outsized presence in my young life. Dazed and Confused was shooting in the summer of 92, and still all I could think about was the last episode of the original Twin Peaks run and Fire Walk With Me. I saw FWWM several times in the theater, and I remember the first time people walking out, getting audibly angry. This was a part of my life when I was starting to form an oppositional viewpoint. An abusive stepfather, the US war in Iraq, and the growing realization that the only thing that arrested this inner feeling of sadness that was petrifying my heart was a glimpse of some kind of unfamiliar pattern, sight and sound and words, something that felt as if it was coming from an internally consistent place but which did something new and unexpected and maybe even a little frightening. I was becoming aware that these things that excited me, that I was looking for in an attempt to learn, were the same things that made other people angry. The violation of expectations made other people angry and shut them off.

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The Visible Zorker

Here’s a little something I’ve been working on: The Visible Zorker! Really, go give it a shot. It’s a toy. You can read the rest of this post later. […] Link

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Making Cement With Fewer The Carbon Emissions

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! Production of cement — the world’s most used commodity after water — currently produces 8 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. […] Link

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Bad shape

Excellent piece on the current state of social media by Erin Kissane-

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Menorca quarry home

Menorca quarry home

Sometimes its hard to believe someone has already built your dreams: Ensamble Studio’s @anton_ensamble C’an Terra transforms an abandoned quarry in Menorca into a singular holiday home. […] Link

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This is a repository of p5.js programs for loading and displaying single-line vector fonts (also called single-stroke or monoline fonts) in a variety of formats — including TTF, SVG Font, Hershey Font, and others. Such fonts are ideally suited to creative coding, pen-plotting, and CNC machining. […] Link

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