roles: design and development
My thesis project Grotto is a django web-application that is styled with Sass and uses Pixi.js for canvas animations.
roles: development
roles: development
Roles: Design and development
I provided frontend work for Vidvox’s OSCQuery project, allowing users to publish custom input setups for their performance software as ad-hoc mobile-friendly webpages
roles: development
roles: design and development
roles: development
roles: design and development
roles: development
I was in-house designer at New Iron, 2012-2014, as well as a front end developer for their clients, this ended up being a lot of webapp and CMS templates and CSS, usually for customer relationship management companies like Hoovers, Dunn & Bradstreet and TNV Health.
roles: design and development
art by the fantastic Killian Eng
roles: design and development
I was one of two in-house designers at AT&T Wifi Services, formerly Wayport INC (I was a Wayport employee and AT&T purchased us.) I did design and CSS for a wide range of client Wi-Fi hotspot management tools and connection screens, including Hilton hotels, McDonalds, and Starbucks. I was originally hired by Wayport to design the UI for a video on demand set-top box for hotels, and once the purchase happened I pivoted really quickly and taught myself CSS in order to keep a job, which on the one hand gave me a marketable skill that’s kept me alive (turns out acting in an independent movie every two or three years isn’t a great way to stay fed and sheltered), but on the other hand I worked at AT&T for like three years which was REDACTED.
roles: design and development
roles: design and development