just a tiny bit radioactive mom

geiger counter works

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studio notes 5-3-2024

There’s a date for a show at MoHA- the 29th of next month. I am anxious because the thing that is eating up the most time is this Roguelike game that I have packaged up in an electron app with a bunch of processing sketches. It’s the thing I’m always posting about, and it would be nice to show off in some form but I think I have to make a hard decision to cut it right now. As always! The thing I worked the hardest on needs to go… Because it’s a new game it’s the most brittle and buggy part. I’m sinking more and more time into working on it, but I feel like it’s shit-or-get-off-the-pot-time and I should take it out of what I’m showing, or at the very least, remove it from the stack of processing sketches that I plan on projecting, since it’s a point of failure. It has a zero player mode that was turned on for this projection version and it isn’t very clever, gets stuck a lot, etc. Was it really conceptually that important to this show? Or was it just a thing I worked on a lot and have sunk cost in? If it isn’t that conceptually important, is it fun enough that it would be a draw to the space? Or does it just look cool in screenshots? Can I do something else with it? What if I took a fuckton of screenshots of it generating levels and played them really fast with some narration? That would still be putting it to use and communicating what was hard to do in the experiment without leaving it as this raw point of failure due to lack of testing and debugging.

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Leigh Alexander, Dungeons of reality Trash TV and Game Design - GUADALINDIE 2024

Great talk about overlap between procedural narratives in games and in reality television (Something I’m sure Doug Wilson would dig as much as I did.)

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severija incirauskaite

crosstitch on rusted metal

By Severija Inčirauskaitė, 2017-2019. More of her work here. Embroidery by Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė, via thisiscolossal. […] [Link](https://text-mode.org/?s=severija incirauskaite)

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Studio Notes 5-17-2024

This is project start for Didaktik Gama, a videogame installation.

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Simple 3D printable noise makers. Use for fighting colonialism, fascism and unfair labor practices. Developed during the UCLA Graduate strike of 2022. More info here. […] Link

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Hundreds Arrested Students Across U.S. Protest for Palestine

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We Need To Rewild The Internet 

Robin Berjon is an expert in digital governance and has contributed to numerous web standards, including the Global Privacy Control (GPC). He works on novel web protocols such as IPFS and sits on the W3C’s Board of Directors and the ICO’s Technology Advisory Panel. […] Link

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Craft Video Dictionary – A new tool for understanding the handmade. Techniques, Materials, Tools.

A new tool for understanding the handmade. Techniques, Materials, Tools. […] Link

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Week 7 Topic: “Contagion”

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