police violence resources
- Consider adding Democracy Now to your daily news sources.
- Verso Books has made the ebook of its book The End of Policing free during this crisis.
- Consider a donation to national bail funds, as thousands of people are being unjustly jailed for protesting police violence. bailfunds.github.io
- If you protest, here are some information security guidelines for using your phone. Here is a web tool for removing exif data from photos and bluring/blacking-out faces.
- Black Lives Matter links in different languages:
- english: http://blmsites.carrd.co
- korean: http://blmkorea.carrd.co
- japanese: http://blmjp.carrd.co
- chinese: http://chineseforblm.carrd.co
- Facts about Polics Violence in Texas
- health care workers - Street Medic training sheet
- View Police scanner logs in some areas and consider taking part in police scanner monitoring and logging: https://scanmap.frnsys.com/
- Live in Los Angeles? Support the People’s Budget
- From Beirut to Minneapolis
- Game developers are putting together a bundle to raise money for Community Bail Funds and the NAACP Legal Defence and Education Fund.
- If you live in a place where black voices aren’t heard, consider distributing this document to neighbors- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b9ym-YBA3njoU7De4UnTNMzWvPC7nQXP/view