Transcoding a movie library with Hazel and Handbrake CLI

–Preface, skip to the how-to

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Talking about VDMX over on the VIDVOX Blog

Vidvox ran a piece this week about some of the projects that I’ve worked on using VDMX as the core piece of software.

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Using Lumen and VDMX together with Syphon

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Tinnitus Neuromodulator

Neuromodulation sound generator for the MyNoise app to help distract from symptoms of tinnitus […]Link

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Fantastic Arcade Bundle

Monday is the first day of Fantastic Arcade talks and tourneys, but you can play this year’s games already, either in the Highball, in our Arcade lounge or at home, with five new experimental games that were incubated by Juegos Rancheros, the Austin indie game collective. These games are running in custom cabinets at the festival but you can get them together as a bundle from

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prosthetic knowledge — RIP Bill Etra Artist engineer who with Steve Rutt...

prosthetic knowledge — RIP Bill Etra Artist engineer who with Steve Rutt… > Artist engineer who with Steve Rutt created the pioneering Rutt/Etra video synthesizer has passed away. Here is a video of Bill demonstrating his hardware:

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Peek Inside The Notebooks Of A Legendary Logo Designer

Peek Inside The Notebooks Of A Legendary Logo Designer > In 1968, graphic designer Lance Wyman designed the iconic Mexico Olympics identity, hailed today as arguably the strongest branding of any Olympic Games.

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James Paterson At Eyeo 2013

Eyeo 2013 - James Paterson by Eyeo Festival // INSTINT

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Les Métamorphoses de Mr. Kalia

Les Métamorphoses de Mr. Kalia

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edit: more photos here!

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