Link- Forest of Sleep- Procedural generation, AI, and Storytelling

Because I’ve been studying animation for the last couple of years as a foot-in-the-door path to art school or a media design/theory program at a University, it’s occasionally easy to forget the broader picture of why I decided to start school. A big chunk of my reasoning was a desire to get involved with projects like Forest of Sleep. I’m very interested in both how we create our own meanings from randomness and how intentional meaning is encoded into things. Ed spoke about this project at Fantastic Arcade a couple of years ago and I’m excited to see where it goes.

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Help an intrepid game conference attendee navigate the ins and outs of attempting to advance their career while also taking care of their body. Will you capture that coveted dream job or will you collapse from exhaustion? […] Link

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The Ground Itself

The Ground Itself is a one-session storytelling game for 2-5 players, played with highly accessible materials (a coin, a six-sided die, and a deck of cards). […] Link

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Bookmarking this ambitious looking piece of interactive fiction.

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My favorite thecatamites quote of the moment-

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Flat — Xxyxyz

Flat is a library for creating and manipulating digital forms of fine arts. Its aim is to enable experimentation with and testing of unpredictable or automated processes, to inspect the beginning of the “new”. It grew out of the needs for generative design, architecture and art. […] Link

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What I'm Doing

I’m going to start using this space to semi-publicly start tracking time. I haven’t really worked out the best way to do that yet. I’ve been doing some time tracking of development work using WakaTime, but I haven’t been tracking the majority of my time, which has been spent on school work.

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Projection mapping in Unity

[Drew MacQuarrie] recently wrote some software to allow projection mapping using Unity. The project code is available […] here. Notes on how to use the software are included in the README of the project. One of the major hurdles was the different coordinate systems used by Unity and OpenCV. […] Link

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Sun Ra’s Full Lecture & Reading List From His 1971 UC Berkeley Course, “The Black Man in the Cosmos”

A pioneer of “Afrofuturism,” bandleader Sun Ra emerged from a traditional swing scene in Alabama, touring the country in his teens as a member of his high school biology teacher’s big band. […] Link

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