More ➜For as long as budget-strapped film and TV productions have existed, there’s been a cottage industry of “stock” music libraries providing them with cheap canned soundtracks, cutting the cost of hiring a dedicated composer. […]
More ➜The language of illness is a language of platitudes. Get well soon. Hoping for a quick recovery. Sending love. Take care in this tough time. Adjectives become few: quick, tough. The same verbs are used over and over: get, send, take, hope. The language of revolutions is also one of platitudes. […] Link
More ➜Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi charts the spiralling collapse of the social order under the effects of COVID-19. “The word is now a virus. The flu virus may have once been a healthy lung cell. It is now a parasitic organism that invades and damages the central nervous system. […] Link
More ➜In 1989, the American pundit Francis Fukuyama presciently declared the ‘end of history’: the collapse of all existing alternatives to liberalism. That apparently unassailable order has been crumbling for years. Coronavirus is the final nail in its coffin. […] Link
More ➜The whole album is deep and beautiful. Sanskrit lyrics layered with warm synth pads. info for the record :
More ➜McCoy Tyner, one of the most distinctive and influential jazz pianists of the past 60 years who became best known for his work with John Coltrane’s legendary 1960s quartet, died at age 81. […] Link
More ➜You encounter so many people every day, online and off-, that it is almost impossible to be alone. Now, thanks to computers, those people might not even be real. […] Link