Nov 17, 2020
I picked up this CJRB folding pocket knife on a whim and it has a really nice feel to it. The closing action is really satisfying and I’m almost wondering if there’s a little magnet in it (there’s not! The same tiny metal bump that gives a little resistance when you start to close it locks it when it’s closed. It’s folding on ball bearings).
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Aug 24, 2020
DESCENT: Peter Burr, Mark Fingerhut, and Forma
In 1562, Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder completed a painting called “The Triumph Of Death”. In this panoramic landscape the sky is blotted out by black smoke; ships and dead fish litter the ocean shore; and an army of skeletons experiment with myriad death techniques. The living are badly outnumbered and the variety of fated tortures seems endless. There is little room for whimsy in this tableaux.
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