The hole

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Fairytales of Motion

Fairytales of Motion

Animators often build characters and their motions at the same time, creating an equivalence between who someone is and how they move. It feels natural, but in fact it’s a technique designed to aid storytelling. It’s a fairytale of motion.

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zero players

I reposted Paolo’s Games Without Players piece yesterday because every time I think about how best to situate Thicket, I feel like it would be as a zero player mode simulation, constantly reseeding itself. I don’t think of Thicket as being a particularly healthy space to inhabit, it’s purposely about themes that bother me- predation, hierarchy, violence, manipulation.

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bad thought?

Is it bad that I am thinking of starting Thicket over again in something like Clickteam Fusion? I’ve never used Fusion before but it seems like it would be much better suited for this, Unity seems so sluggish for a 2d turn-based game, when a lot of the problems I needed to solve should have been boilerplate. Plus, I’ve overelaborated too early with things like piece movement and post processing layers. This should have started out as a grid with cells that fill with characters like emoji simulator or a roguelike, but I got fixated on trying out hexes because of games like Ogre and Hoplite, and the idea that there would be rooms. Now that I am thinking more and more about Hunt the Wumpus and its squished dodecahedron with 20 nodes I like the idea of linked nodes… that’s the simpler version of what I was trying to accomplish with a hexgrid and filled hexes for walls.

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Games Without Players

From Paolo Pedercini-

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Throat Notes

From the mighty Felix Colgrave

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Fair Play Alliance Framework

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have a new year

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Cindy Keefer on Jordan Belson, Cosmic Cinema, and the San Francisco Museum of Art

Today’s post is from Cindy Keefer, archivist and curator, Center for Visual Music. She’ll be here this Thursday introducing that evening’s screening, Jordan Belson: Films Sacred and Profane. Jordan Belson is an enigma and a legend of the experimental film world. […] Link

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