critical retrocomputing + reposting Rachel's talk at MagFest

I had to give a 10 minute talk yesterday in front of the faculty and cohort of my department on my art practice (Do I have an art practice? I guess I do). What seemed like a simple task went south on me kind of quickly as I raced through topics trying to stay within the time limit. Probably no one really cared but me, but all last night I found myself thinking “Why did I say that? Why didn’t I say that?”

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Susan Anway RIP

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mr bear squash you all flat

I made this a while back but here’s a board game I made that would work on a Thicket-style hex-grid: Mr Bear Squash You All Flat

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Soft Corruptor

A folded poem by Everest Pipkin-

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Derrida's Mac

Paragraph too long

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Creative Writing With Computation and Machine Learning with Allision Parrish

I’ve just returned from a week of study under Allison Parrish at the Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass Colorado. It was a week of studying a number of methods of generating and manipulating text using computation and machine learning. I had already been using the markovify python library to build text generators for a lot of my work, but this week I was really able to suppliment what I had been doing with a number of complimentary methods.

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Incomplete (2021)

Incomplete (2021)

The year is 2021. The future has already happened. This may be a reverie of our increasingly virtualized world that is submerged into a directional flow of information and disparate impressions that takes shape as a slow-burning anxiety; a rupture in linear time. Composed of a single take, “Incomplete” invites us to traverse an endless choreography of bodies in perpetual free-fall and updating images that reflect a world in constant change. “Incomplete” is an ode to what artist and media theorist Hito Steyerl coins the “poor image.” The image which is collected, copied, and processed to the point of disorientation and anonymity. The image which is not one but consists of many while presenting a different perception of coherency.

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obelisk postmortem

We had our DMA senior show, and I was really gratified that my friends played along and posted comments to situate the game as being a diminished version of some sort of idealized game from their childhoods.

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situating obelisk

I finally figured out how to situate obelisk and connect it to folks without multiplayer or networked elements or having the game placed in New Art City and it’s so simple and good and I am really happy and excited about it- like the last important puzzle piece just connected, and it won’t add any complexity or stress before the show.

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version lock

Fixed a problem with the online book reader and everything seems… ok for now. So I am version locking everything until after the senior show. 😅

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