More ➜English translations of early Slovak digital games from the late 80s period, created in cooperation with Slovak Game Developers Association by Stanislav Hrda, Slavomír Labský, Marián Kabát, Darren Chastney and Maroš Brojo. […] Link
More ➜When Lars Nilsen was growing up in North Carolina in the seventies, his local multiplex used to program kids’ movies on summer afternoons. Stuff like Swiss Family Robinson or (far more meaningful to Nilsen) Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster that you could watch for a dollar while your parents worked. […] Link
More ➜(b. 1935) Terry Riley and Don Cherry - Live Köln (1975) Here’s a bootleg of Don Cherry and Terry Riley’s 1975 performance at Cologne. […] Link
More ➜Since version 10.2, Modo uses the Instant Meshes algorithm to implement its automatic retopology feature. An interview discussing this technique and more recent projects is available here. The following binaries (Intel, 64 bit) are automatically generated from the latest GitHub revision. […] Link
More ➜In a booth at Ted’s Fish Fry, in Troy, New York, my friend Daniel Beck and I sketched out our plans for the metaverse. It was November 1994, just as the graphical web was becoming a thing, and we thought that the 3-D web could be just a few tweaks down the road. […] Link
Peter Burr and Porpentine Charity Heartscape’s 4-channel video installation Cave Exits (recalling both Hans Blumenberg’s ‘Höhlenausgänge’ and a history of cave exploration videogames) explores biology and architecture through a trans lens in a game-like zone with mutable parameters. Informed by both game and cinematic conventions, the project illuminates the challenges of both the world-building and self-building drives of game design and transness, and suggests an alternative to the ideas of completeness and stasis in both constructed world and constructed self.
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I always bring up the Shapes (and Other Shapes) installation/performance I did with The Octopus Project and Everest Pipkin because it was probably the most fully realized non-movie art piece I’ve worked on in the wild before I started art school. One part of the show was a phone tree you could call that I built with the old ruby version of Tinsel. The phone tree was big and let the caller hear recorded and text to speech audio from Everest’s text generator output. This application had been running on Heroku for years and you could still call and play with it. Recently Heroku forced moving to a new VM, which required a newer version of Ruby. Updating ruby for the application was a nightmare of sorting out package dependencies, but after a day of futzing with it I got the dependencies worked out and was able to push to heroku and have the application build. But now when you call you get a voice saying “an application has occurred”. This all happened right around the time I really would have liked to have it still working to show at a talk I was giving.
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