The Interface of Kai Krause’s Software

Kai Krause [today:]was born 1957 in Dortmund. He came to California in 1976 with two friends. He worked as a musician for Disney Sound Effects; the sound track for “Star Trek: The Movie” was created on his synthesizers*. […] Link

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a tilesketch of some kind of slab with flames

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studio notes 10-16-2023

While it’s not as attractive or ‘in-world’ as a mazelike tilemap representation would be, I’ve made an auto minimap for grotto using D3. D3 is a library to procedurally draw SVG in a browser, and it’s commonly used for interactive data visualizations. I used it here because it has the ability to create force directed node maps. This means nodes are repelled from one another in a game-physics like simulation, so rather than needing to figure out how to place them on the screen, they simply spread out to positions where they no longer overlap. Here’s what it looks like in a room with a lot of sibling nodes: node map showing a spiderweb cluster of colorful squares connected by lines node map with tooltip

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Studio Notes 10-1-23

New Studio space! I just moved some things into a workspace at The Museum of Human Achievement. an art studio workspace with rough wooden warehouse floors, a ladder, shelving, a desk Now I am deciding what to work on next. I think there was potential in the installation I did for my graduate thesis show, but it was missing some important pieces to be effective. The first think it’s missing is a legible mini-map. Navigating a maze that is a tree structure is incredibly frustrating. It’s maybe the worst possible level design. people get trapped in branches too easily looking for the one door back up. I’m experimenting with maps in the web game using the api, but it’s very difficult, as I’ve said before, to automatically lay these maps out. You really need a force-directed nodemap, which clashes stylistically with the patterned-tiles-on-a-grid style. I’m playing now with some nodemaps using D3, and I’m going to functionally solve the problem first and then deal with the aesthetics.

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Research Using the Census Tree

What is the Census Tree? The Census Tree is the largest-ever database of record links among the historical U.S. censuses, with over 700 million links for people living in the United States between 1850 and 1940. […] Link

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studio notes 9-24-23

input and output of wave function collapse

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(Epilepsy warning: flashing image) Early test for a new animation piece.

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The Paradox of Rules in Games and Life

Learn the rules like a pro, so that you can break them like an artist, this is what Picasso told us to do. As a medium mediated by rules , but expressed through play, games exist on the border of this division. This essay explores how we conceptualize and define both rules and play, and the paradox […] Link

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Directed by Andrew Bujalski

Progenitor of the early-2000s indie filmmaking wave that would come to be known as mumblecore, Andrew Bujalski has retained the handcrafted, DIY spirit that defined the movement even as his productions have grown (modestly) in budget and scale. His films are humorously offbeat, precisely observed snapshots of hyperspecific social microcosms—from a 1980s AI nerdfest in COMPUTER CHESS to the world behind the counter of a Hooters-like sports bar in SUPPORT THE GIRLS—lent vivid authenticity through their unfailingly naturalistic dialogue and keen understanding of human relationships. […] Link

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Twin Peaks Into The Night – Beta Demo

Twin Peaks: Into The Night is an incredible fan made Twin Peaks game that recreates David Lynch and Mark Frost’s classic series as a PS1 styled adventure! […] Link

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