The wines awoke a furious mirth and a shrieking of birds below the orient sun. He spoke a word signifying darkness. His air was that of the desert hills.
Genetic wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Beautifulness |
Tin Wand | ??? |
Bone Wand | ??? |
??? | Immoral Wand |
Cassiterite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Dewiness |
Nealite Wand | ??? |
Latex Wand | ??? |
Silicone Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Sadness |
Almighty wands-
Material | Effect |
Sphene Wand | ??? |
Zinc Wand | ??? |
Brucite Wand | ??? |
Schrockingerite Wand | ??? |
Meteorites Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Sharpness |
??? | Wand of Courageousness |
Jelly Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Visionariness |
Kupletskite Wand | ??? |
Adult wands-
Material | Effect |
Zincite Wand | ??? |
??? | Cryptic Wand |
Descloizite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Masterliness |
Greenockite Wand | ??? |
??? | Stupid Wand |
??? | Wand of Smartness |
??? | Wand of Concentricity |
??? | Despairing Wand |
??? | Wand of Slanderousness |
Nocturnal wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Callowness |
??? | Wand of Boxiness |
??? | Grounded Wand |
??? | Wand of Siziness |
??? | Wand of Doziness |
Opal Wand | ??? |
Slime Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Vastness |
Pyroxene Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Fullness |
Personal wands-
Material | Effect |
Kermesite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Ungodliness |
Rosasite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Whatness |
Fulgarite Wand | ??? |
??? | Electronic Wand |
Bornite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Wakefulness |
Titanite Wand | ??? |
Augelite Wand | ??? |
Notorious wands-
Material | Effect |
Prehnite Wand | ??? |
Austinite Wand | ??? |
??? | Short Wand |
Eosphorite Wand | ??? |
Liroconite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Bitterness |
Nagyagite Wand | ??? |
Silicon Wand | ??? |
Tainiolite Wand | ??? |
Dried grass Wand | ??? |
Callous wands-
Material | Effect |
Pyrite Wand | ??? |
Felt Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Steaminess |
??? | Genetic Wand |
Kottigite Wand | ??? |
??? | True Wand |
??? | Wand of Madness |
Titanium Wand | ??? |
Phosphuranylite Wand | ??? |
Topazolite Wand | ??? |
Revisionist wands-
Material | Effect |
Gahnite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Dueness |
??? | Wand of Ethnicity |
??? | Wand of Sadness |
??? | Wand of Ungodliness |
Ettringite Wand | ??? |
Butter Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Muzziness |
??? | Wand of Busyness |
Sandstone Wand | ??? |
Pitiful wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Phony Wand |
??? | Wand of Analyticity |
Sand Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Directness |
??? | Wand of Brotherliness |
??? | Wand of Unearthliness |
??? | Useful Wand |
Mordenite Wand | ??? |
Sphaerocobaltite Wand | ??? |
Mercury Wand | ??? |
Carefree wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Holy Wand |
??? | Wand of Hug strength |
??? | Wand of Gratuitousness |
Benitoite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Mannerliness |
??? | Wand of Flagitiousness |
Cavansite Wand | ??? |
Sand Wand | ??? |
Apatite Wand | ??? |
??? | Flavourless Wand |
Furry wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Egocentricity |
??? | Wand of Imaginariness |
??? | Wand of Ecumenicity |
??? | Wand of Patness |
??? | Essential Wand |
Palygorskite Wand | ??? |
Plaster Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Pliantness |
Chalcanthite Wand | ??? |
Apophyllite Wand | ??? |
Post-modernist wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Dourness |
Carpet tiles Wand | ??? |
Meta-zeunerite Wand | ??? |
Diamond Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Hypotonicity |
Marble Wand | ??? |
Sylvite Wand | ??? |
??? | Almighty Wand |
Bread Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Anelasticity |
Intentional wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Clearness |
Bone Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Illusoriness |
Whiteite Wand | ??? |
Neptunite Wand | ??? |
Scapolite Wand | ??? |
Bournonite Wand | ??? |
Silk Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Intentness |
??? | Symbolic Wand |
Accidental wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Cheerfulness |
Jade Wand | ??? |
Jarosite Wand | ??? |
Peridot Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Painfulness |
Spodumene Wand | ??? |
Cordylite Wand | ??? |
Variscite Wand | ??? |
Rubber Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Flagitiousness |
Corrupt wands-
Material | Effect |
Sphalerite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Apartness |
??? | Bittersweet Wand |
??? | Wand of Bitterness |
??? | Outrageous Wand |
Amethyst Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Skimpiness |
??? | Wand of Skillfulness |
??? | Unrealistic Wand |
??? | Wand of Blissfulness |
Irrational wands-
Material | Effect |
Dundasite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Colorfulness |
Franckeite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Precariousness |
Fake fur Wand | ??? |
Manganese Wand | ??? |
Ettringite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Slimness |
Humus Wand | ??? |
Wurtzite Wand | ??? |
Bleeding wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Bioelectricity |
??? | Cinematic Wand |
Austinite Wand | ??? |
Apophyllite Wand | ??? |
Molybdenite Wand | ??? |
Formica Wand | ??? |
Richterite Wand | ??? |
Gadolinite Wand | ??? |
??? | Butterfingered Wand |
Morganite Wand | ??? |
Stupid wands-
Material | Effect |
Ruby Wand | ??? |
Corned beef Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Mournfulness |
Rhodochrosite Wand | ??? |
Norbergite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Logicalness |
??? | Wand of Unfitness |
Plywood Wand | ??? |
??? | Preeminent Wand |
Tortoiseshell Wand | ??? |
Unprincipled wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Crackpot Wand |
??? | Wand of Doughtiness |
Oligoclase Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Nephrotoxicity |
??? | Wand of Steaminess |
??? | Wand of Inertness |
Resin Wand | ??? |
??? | Awful Wand |
Jarosite Wand | ??? |
Cuprosklodowskite Wand | ??? |
Erroneous wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Chronicity |
Stilbite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Veraciousness |
??? | Wand of Ethnicity |
Cobaltocalcite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Fortuitousness |
Melanterite Wand | ??? |
Tyuyamunite Wand | ??? |
Spessartine Wand | ??? |
Iron Wand | ??? |
Pre-theoretical wands-
Material | Effect |
Chalcedony Wand | ??? |
Charoite Wand | ??? |
Hydroboracite Wand | ??? |
Boulangerite Wand | ??? |
Rhabdophane Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Grossness |
??? | Wand of Gracefulness |
Epsomite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Beauteousness |
Bone Wand | ??? |
Omnilingual wands-
Material | Effect |
Spinel Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Genteelness |
??? | Wand of Steaminess |
Fabric Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Eagerness |
Turpentine Wand | ??? |
Sussexite Wand | ??? |
??? | Clumsy Wand |
Dioptase Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Wishfulness |
Post-darwinian wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Inauthenticity |
??? | Suffocating Wand |
??? | Wand of Quietness |
??? | Wand of Propitiousness |
Connellite Wand | ??? |
Talc Wand | ??? |
??? | Pigheaded Wand |
Anorthosite Wand | ??? |
Thaumasite Wand | ??? |
Mud Wand | ??? |
Calm wands-
Material | Effect |
Hopeite Wand | ??? |
Mineraloids Wand | ??? |
Latex Wand | ??? |
Ice Wand | ??? |
??? | Capricious Wand |
Clay Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Aromaticity |
Gold Wand | ??? |
??? | Overwrought Wand |
??? | Wand of Grayness |
Envious wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Universalness |
Cryolite Wand | ??? |
??? | Convoluted Wand |
Asteroids Wand | ??? |
Artinite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Ethnicity |
Bread Wand | ??? |
??? | Irreplaceable Wand |
Granite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Reposefulness |
Interlocking wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Mercenariness |
??? | Wand of Modernness |
Oligoclase Wand | ??? |
Dufrenite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Cursoriness |
Carnelian Wand | ??? |
Stephanite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Wonderfulness |
Organics Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Equivocalness |
Vast wands-
Material | Effect |
Linoleum Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Erroneousness |
??? | Wand of Slipperiness |
Strunzite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Officiousness |
??? | Wand of Septicity |
??? | Wand of Egocentricity |
Ankerite Wand | ??? |
Leucochalcite Wand | ??? |
??? | Contemporary Wand |
Crackpot wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Defective Wand |
Datolite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Prickliness |
??? | Wand of Lyricalness |
??? | Smoky Wand |
??? | Wand of Packness |
Gyrolite Wand | ??? |
Emplectite Wand | ??? |
??? | Banal Wand |
??? | Sad Wand |
Hopeful wands-
Material | Effect |
Sugar Wand | ??? |
Allanite Wand | ??? |
??? | Ethical Wand |
??? | Wand of Infectiousness |
Fluorite Wand | ??? |
Sulfates Wand | ??? |
Iron Wand | ??? |
??? | Pointed Wand |
??? | Wand of Hokeyness |
Broken glass Wand | ??? |
Guilty wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Scrupulousness |
Corrugated cardboard Wand | ??? |
??? | Young Wand |
Concrete Wand | ??? |
Glaucophane Wand | ??? |
Catapleiite Wand | ??? |
??? | Fatalistic Wand |
European beech wood Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Pugnaciousness |
Carnelian Wand | ??? |
Religious wands-
Material | Effect |
Fedorite Wand | ??? |
??? | Perverse Wand |
Carnelian Wand | ??? |
Rockbridgeite Wand | ??? |
Heliodor Wand | ??? |
Limonite Wand | ??? |
Epidote Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Agribusiness |
??? | Proud Wand |
Beraunite Wand | ??? |
Perfectible wands-
Material | Effect |
Variscite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Devoutness |
??? | Wand of Officiousness |
Fat Wand | ??? |
Eucryptite Wand | ??? |
Microcline Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Ferociousness |
Chrysoberyl Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Faintness |
??? | Deconstructionist Wand |
Artless wands-
Material | Effect |
Orpiment Wand | ??? |
Edingtonite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Callowness |
??? | Wand of Preppiness |
Mahogany Wand | ??? |
Mashed potato Wand | ??? |
Strontianite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Specialness |
??? | Wand of Gastness |
Richterite Wand | ??? |
Neurological wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Notorious Wand |
??? | Particular Wand |
??? | Wand of Unlikeliness |
??? | Wand of Deepness |
Papagoite Wand | ??? |
Thorogummite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Resistlessness |
??? | Post-darwinian Wand |
??? | Wand of Veraciousness |
Olivenite Wand | ??? |
Courteous wands-
Material | Effect |
Edingtonite Wand | ??? |
??? | Hirsute Wand |
Uranophane Wand | ??? |
Thenardite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Loquaciousness |
??? | Wand of Glueyness |
??? | Lively Wand |
??? | Wand of Weakliness |
Wardite Wand | ??? |
Otavite Wand | ??? |
Pointed wands-
Material | Effect |
Jade Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Wobbliness |
??? | Wand of Clonicity |
Ebony Wand | ??? |
Prasiolite Wand | ??? |
Idocrase Wand | ??? |
Aluminum Wand | ??? |
Toffee Wand | ??? |
Sulfides Wand | ??? |
Covellite Wand | ??? |
Patriotic wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Villainousness |
Babingtonite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Rigorousness |
??? | Lonely Wand |
??? | Wand of Wonderfulness |
??? | Wand of Pathogenicity |
??? | Wand of Youthfulness |
Churchite Wand | ??? |
??? | True Wand |
??? | Neurological Wand |
Ill wands-
Material | Effect |
Toffee Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Restfulness |
??? | Wand of Sightliness |
Okenite Wand | ??? |
Elements Wand | ??? |
Anorthite Wand | ??? |
??? | Darwinian Wand |
Plaster Wand | ??? |
Pectolite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Porousness |
Pliable wands-
Material | Effect |
Sal_ammoniac Wand | ??? |
Carnotite Wand | ??? |
Granite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Cleanness |
??? | Wand of Cleanness |
??? | Wand of Domesticity |
Buergerite Wand | ??? |
Porcelain Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Pushfulness |
Alluvial Wand | ??? |
Bureaucratic wands-
Material | Effect |
??? | Wand of Iciness |
??? | Wand of Ritziness |
??? | Wand of Chromaticity |
Corundum Wand | ??? |
Brass Wand | ??? |
Boleite Wand | ??? |
??? | Wand of Maziness |
??? | Wand of Redness |
Coal Wand | ??? |
??? | Crackpot Wand |