
The wines awoke a furious mirth and a shrieking of birds below the orient sun. He spoke a word signifying darkness. His air was that of the desert hills.

— Unknown Author, They Bore Sinister And Corruptible Than Gold

Genetic wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Beautifulness
Tin Wand ???
Bone Wand ???
??? Immoral Wand
Cassiterite Wand ???
??? Wand of Dewiness
Nealite Wand ???
Latex Wand ???
Silicone Wand ???
??? Wand of Sadness

Almighty wands-

Material Effect
Sphene Wand ???
Zinc Wand ???
Brucite Wand ???
Schrockingerite Wand ???
Meteorites Wand ???
??? Wand of Sharpness
??? Wand of Courageousness
Jelly Wand ???
??? Wand of Visionariness
Kupletskite Wand ???

Adult wands-

Material Effect
Zincite Wand ???
??? Cryptic Wand
Descloizite Wand ???
??? Wand of Masterliness
Greenockite Wand ???
??? Stupid Wand
??? Wand of Smartness
??? Wand of Concentricity
??? Despairing Wand
??? Wand of Slanderousness

Nocturnal wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Callowness
??? Wand of Boxiness
??? Grounded Wand
??? Wand of Siziness
??? Wand of Doziness
Opal Wand ???
Slime Wand ???
??? Wand of Vastness
Pyroxene Wand ???
??? Wand of Fullness

Personal wands-

Material Effect
Kermesite Wand ???
??? Wand of Ungodliness
Rosasite Wand ???
??? Wand of Whatness
Fulgarite Wand ???
??? Electronic Wand
Bornite Wand ???
??? Wand of Wakefulness
Titanite Wand ???
Augelite Wand ???

Notorious wands-

Material Effect
Prehnite Wand ???
Austinite Wand ???
??? Short Wand
Eosphorite Wand ???
Liroconite Wand ???
??? Wand of Bitterness
Nagyagite Wand ???
Silicon Wand ???
Tainiolite Wand ???
Dried grass Wand ???

Callous wands-

Material Effect
Pyrite Wand ???
Felt Wand ???
??? Wand of Steaminess
??? Genetic Wand
Kottigite Wand ???
??? True Wand
??? Wand of Madness
Titanium Wand ???
Phosphuranylite Wand ???
Topazolite Wand ???

Revisionist wands-

Material Effect
Gahnite Wand ???
??? Wand of Dueness
??? Wand of Ethnicity
??? Wand of Sadness
??? Wand of Ungodliness
Ettringite Wand ???
Butter Wand ???
??? Wand of Muzziness
??? Wand of Busyness
Sandstone Wand ???

Pitiful wands-

Material Effect
??? Phony Wand
??? Wand of Analyticity
Sand Wand ???
??? Wand of Directness
??? Wand of Brotherliness
??? Wand of Unearthliness
??? Useful Wand
Mordenite Wand ???
Sphaerocobaltite Wand ???
Mercury Wand ???

Carefree wands-

Material Effect
??? Holy Wand
??? Wand of Hug strength
??? Wand of Gratuitousness
Benitoite Wand ???
??? Wand of Mannerliness
??? Wand of Flagitiousness
Cavansite Wand ???
Sand Wand ???
Apatite Wand ???
??? Flavourless Wand

Furry wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Egocentricity
??? Wand of Imaginariness
??? Wand of Ecumenicity
??? Wand of Patness
??? Essential Wand
Palygorskite Wand ???
Plaster Wand ???
??? Wand of Pliantness
Chalcanthite Wand ???
Apophyllite Wand ???

Post-modernist wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Dourness
Carpet tiles Wand ???
Meta-zeunerite Wand ???
Diamond Wand ???
??? Wand of Hypotonicity
Marble Wand ???
Sylvite Wand ???
??? Almighty Wand
Bread Wand ???
??? Wand of Anelasticity

Intentional wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Clearness
Bone Wand ???
??? Wand of Illusoriness
Whiteite Wand ???
Neptunite Wand ???
Scapolite Wand ???
Bournonite Wand ???
Silk Wand ???
??? Wand of Intentness
??? Symbolic Wand

Accidental wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Cheerfulness
Jade Wand ???
Jarosite Wand ???
Peridot Wand ???
??? Wand of Painfulness
Spodumene Wand ???
Cordylite Wand ???
Variscite Wand ???
Rubber Wand ???
??? Wand of Flagitiousness

Corrupt wands-

Material Effect
Sphalerite Wand ???
??? Wand of Apartness
??? Bittersweet Wand
??? Wand of Bitterness
??? Outrageous Wand
Amethyst Wand ???
??? Wand of Skimpiness
??? Wand of Skillfulness
??? Unrealistic Wand
??? Wand of Blissfulness

Irrational wands-

Material Effect
Dundasite Wand ???
??? Wand of Colorfulness
Franckeite Wand ???
??? Wand of Precariousness
Fake fur Wand ???
Manganese Wand ???
Ettringite Wand ???
??? Wand of Slimness
Humus Wand ???
Wurtzite Wand ???

Bleeding wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Bioelectricity
??? Cinematic Wand
Austinite Wand ???
Apophyllite Wand ???
Molybdenite Wand ???
Formica Wand ???
Richterite Wand ???
Gadolinite Wand ???
??? Butterfingered Wand
Morganite Wand ???

Stupid wands-

Material Effect
Ruby Wand ???
Corned beef Wand ???
??? Wand of Mournfulness
Rhodochrosite Wand ???
Norbergite Wand ???
??? Wand of Logicalness
??? Wand of Unfitness
Plywood Wand ???
??? Preeminent Wand
Tortoiseshell Wand ???

Unprincipled wands-

Material Effect
??? Crackpot Wand
??? Wand of Doughtiness
Oligoclase Wand ???
??? Wand of Nephrotoxicity
??? Wand of Steaminess
??? Wand of Inertness
Resin Wand ???
??? Awful Wand
Jarosite Wand ???
Cuprosklodowskite Wand ???

Erroneous wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Chronicity
Stilbite Wand ???
??? Wand of Veraciousness
??? Wand of Ethnicity
Cobaltocalcite Wand ???
??? Wand of Fortuitousness
Melanterite Wand ???
Tyuyamunite Wand ???
Spessartine Wand ???
Iron Wand ???

Pre-theoretical wands-

Material Effect
Chalcedony Wand ???
Charoite Wand ???
Hydroboracite Wand ???
Boulangerite Wand ???
Rhabdophane Wand ???
??? Wand of Grossness
??? Wand of Gracefulness
Epsomite Wand ???
??? Wand of Beauteousness
Bone Wand ???

Omnilingual wands-

Material Effect
Spinel Wand ???
??? Wand of Genteelness
??? Wand of Steaminess
Fabric Wand ???
??? Wand of Eagerness
Turpentine Wand ???
Sussexite Wand ???
??? Clumsy Wand
Dioptase Wand ???
??? Wand of Wishfulness

Post-darwinian wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Inauthenticity
??? Suffocating Wand
??? Wand of Quietness
??? Wand of Propitiousness
Connellite Wand ???
Talc Wand ???
??? Pigheaded Wand
Anorthosite Wand ???
Thaumasite Wand ???
Mud Wand ???

Calm wands-

Material Effect
Hopeite Wand ???
Mineraloids Wand ???
Latex Wand ???
Ice Wand ???
??? Capricious Wand
Clay Wand ???
??? Wand of Aromaticity
Gold Wand ???
??? Overwrought Wand
??? Wand of Grayness

Envious wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Universalness
Cryolite Wand ???
??? Convoluted Wand
Asteroids Wand ???
Artinite Wand ???
??? Wand of Ethnicity
Bread Wand ???
??? Irreplaceable Wand
Granite Wand ???
??? Wand of Reposefulness

Interlocking wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Mercenariness
??? Wand of Modernness
Oligoclase Wand ???
Dufrenite Wand ???
??? Wand of Cursoriness
Carnelian Wand ???
Stephanite Wand ???
??? Wand of Wonderfulness
Organics Wand ???
??? Wand of Equivocalness

Vast wands-

Material Effect
Linoleum Wand ???
??? Wand of Erroneousness
??? Wand of Slipperiness
Strunzite Wand ???
??? Wand of Officiousness
??? Wand of Septicity
??? Wand of Egocentricity
Ankerite Wand ???
Leucochalcite Wand ???
??? Contemporary Wand

Crackpot wands-

Material Effect
??? Defective Wand
Datolite Wand ???
??? Wand of Prickliness
??? Wand of Lyricalness
??? Smoky Wand
??? Wand of Packness
Gyrolite Wand ???
Emplectite Wand ???
??? Banal Wand
??? Sad Wand

Hopeful wands-

Material Effect
Sugar Wand ???
Allanite Wand ???
??? Ethical Wand
??? Wand of Infectiousness
Fluorite Wand ???
Sulfates Wand ???
Iron Wand ???
??? Pointed Wand
??? Wand of Hokeyness
Broken glass Wand ???

Guilty wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Scrupulousness
Corrugated cardboard Wand ???
??? Young Wand
Concrete Wand ???
Glaucophane Wand ???
Catapleiite Wand ???
??? Fatalistic Wand
European beech wood Wand ???
??? Wand of Pugnaciousness
Carnelian Wand ???

Religious wands-

Material Effect
Fedorite Wand ???
??? Perverse Wand
Carnelian Wand ???
Rockbridgeite Wand ???
Heliodor Wand ???
Limonite Wand ???
Epidote Wand ???
??? Wand of Agribusiness
??? Proud Wand
Beraunite Wand ???

Perfectible wands-

Material Effect
Variscite Wand ???
??? Wand of Devoutness
??? Wand of Officiousness
Fat Wand ???
Eucryptite Wand ???
Microcline Wand ???
??? Wand of Ferociousness
Chrysoberyl Wand ???
??? Wand of Faintness
??? Deconstructionist Wand

Artless wands-

Material Effect
Orpiment Wand ???
Edingtonite Wand ???
??? Wand of Callowness
??? Wand of Preppiness
Mahogany Wand ???
Mashed potato Wand ???
Strontianite Wand ???
??? Wand of Specialness
??? Wand of Gastness
Richterite Wand ???

Neurological wands-

Material Effect
??? Notorious Wand
??? Particular Wand
??? Wand of Unlikeliness
??? Wand of Deepness
Papagoite Wand ???
Thorogummite Wand ???
??? Wand of Resistlessness
??? Post-darwinian Wand
??? Wand of Veraciousness
Olivenite Wand ???

Courteous wands-

Material Effect
Edingtonite Wand ???
??? Hirsute Wand
Uranophane Wand ???
Thenardite Wand ???
??? Wand of Loquaciousness
??? Wand of Glueyness
??? Lively Wand
??? Wand of Weakliness
Wardite Wand ???
Otavite Wand ???

Pointed wands-

Material Effect
Jade Wand ???
??? Wand of Wobbliness
??? Wand of Clonicity
Ebony Wand ???
Prasiolite Wand ???
Idocrase Wand ???
Aluminum Wand ???
Toffee Wand ???
Sulfides Wand ???
Covellite Wand ???

Patriotic wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Villainousness
Babingtonite Wand ???
??? Wand of Rigorousness
??? Lonely Wand
??? Wand of Wonderfulness
??? Wand of Pathogenicity
??? Wand of Youthfulness
Churchite Wand ???
??? True Wand
??? Neurological Wand

Ill wands-

Material Effect
Toffee Wand ???
??? Wand of Restfulness
??? Wand of Sightliness
Okenite Wand ???
Elements Wand ???
Anorthite Wand ???
??? Darwinian Wand
Plaster Wand ???
Pectolite Wand ???
??? Wand of Porousness

Pliable wands-

Material Effect
Sal_ammoniac Wand ???
Carnotite Wand ???
Granite Wand ???
??? Wand of Cleanness
??? Wand of Cleanness
??? Wand of Domesticity
Buergerite Wand ???
Porcelain Wand ???
??? Wand of Pushfulness
Alluvial Wand ???

Bureaucratic wands-

Material Effect
??? Wand of Iciness
??? Wand of Ritziness
??? Wand of Chromaticity
Corundum Wand ???
Brass Wand ???
Boleite Wand ???
??? Wand of Maziness
??? Wand of Redness
Coal Wand ???
??? Crackpot Wand